Art & Loss

My first and longest art teacher (she taught me from elementary through high school), who also happened to be my aunt Sue, passed away yesterday; and I wanted to take the opportunity to honor her with an illustration and some memories.

Without her, I seriously doubt I would be making a living as an artist today. She laid the foundation for my career and I will always be grateful.

She was also one of those teachers who was born to teach and loved it. She was a very talented artist, but she loved teaching and helping others even more. She introduced me to a huge variety of art concepts and projects over the years, which not only benefitted me personally, but also inspired me during my own brief stint as an art teacher.

Here is a photo of Sue, my mom and I at a poster contest awards ceremony in Jackson, MS.

Aren’t we rocking those 80s fashions which are all the rage again? Puff sleeves, big collars, oversized blazers… perfection!

She never let me rest on my laurels and constantly pushed me to improve, instilling the kinds of good habits that continue to serve me well today, in life and in art.

Thank you for everything, Sue.